The Coach House
Mr. Russell and his version of Great White put on quite a show this evening , rocking The Coach House for two solid hours! Now I know there are two versions of Great White touring at the moment, but honestly with Jack still in such good voice and good shape why would you even consider seeing the other version of the group? Captain Jack still has it in spades. The lighting was very good this evening, I was able to grab some nice shots from the side of the stage and the balcony. There is no photographers pit at this venue so you just have to try to find a decent spot and grab some pictures amongst the crowd. And did I mention that NOBODY (now a days maybe not even Robert Plant himself ) sings a better version of Zeppelin than Jack? I love it and the crowd loves it when they bring the Led out. Tonight was extra cool because they featured guitarists Robby Lochner and Tony Montana on a couple of Hendrix tunes (Purple Haze and Voodoo Chile) and they really cut loose. What a great, fun evening of rock n roll.